A Business the Nation can be proud of!
Project Prerepana

Project Prerepana promotes schooling for children dropped out of school, because of learning disabilities or economic factors. These Learning Centres / KalikaKendras conduct training camps, trekking trips and other extra-curricular activities to motivate and encourage children to participate. The children showcase their talents and leadership qualities to their own community, which in turn helps sustain interest and regularity at academic sessions.
Project Prerepana has its reach in seven slums of Mysore City. In the last five years, 128 children have successfully gone into regular schools and mainstream education. 222 children have so far benefitted from the KalikaKendras facilities.
Ranga Rao Memorial School for Differently abled

Ranga Rao Memorial School for Diffrently Abled (RMSD), is an initiative by NRRS to bring the light of education for visually challenged girls from economically disadvantaged background. Apart from regular school curriculum, the girls are given mobility training, taught life-skills, music, dance and basic cooking, giving them confidence to be responsible for themselves.
A matter of pride for the institution is that a few students from RMSD have gone on to pursue higher studies in regular schools. Some are now employed in the private and government sectors too.
Project Unnathi

NR Group believes that education is the sure route for building a stronger nation. It promotes education by giving scholarships to children and grandchildren of the group employees. About 500 employee families across different working units are benefited by this programme annually.
Vocational Training for Women

Empowering women is another cause that NR Group believes in. Vocational training in bamboo splitting, sticks making, Agarbathies rolling and packaging is given to women in tribal and rural areas. This activity is also used as Rehabilitation training in Mysore Central Prison and prisons across Karnataka State.
Gender Equality

Empowering women and promoting gender equality is crucial to accelerating sustainable development and we empower rural women of the war affected communities as a community service to support household income of marginalised areas in Sri Lanka & women headed household in Sri Lanka.
Decent Work and Economic Growth

According to the Central Bank Report of Sri Lanka 2019, unemployment rate of Sri Lanka is 4.2. In order to contribute for the employment, we provide job opportunities and training opportunities for undergraduates and professionals. We take effective measures to eradicate forced labour, slavery and human trafficking. With these targets in mind, the goal is to achieve full and productive employment, and decent work, for all women and men.
Climate Action

Climate change is one of the biggest threats to our society, and to the future of our business. We are committed to reduce greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions from our operations by improving energy efficiency, switching to cleaner fuels and investing on renewable sources. The Carbon Neutral certification is a testament to what we wish to inspire in terms of being environmentally friendly.